The Triskeli Lab-Ray Experiment
Goal: To make Triskeli an Island Zafara.
Secondary Goal: To make Triskeli a yellow Zafara.
Tertiary Goal: I'd just settle for a Zafara! :)

Week one's starting stats:
Level: 6
Strength: 16
Defence: 6
Endurance (HP): 9
Agility: 12
Species: Kyrii
Color: Yellow
Gender: Male
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7

No Change

Up 2 levels

No Change

Down 2 levels

Down 2 movement

Down 2 levels

Up 2 defence
A somewhat disappointing introduction to the Lab Ray.
Down, down, down. Finish the week off up 2 defence. Still a yellow Kyrii, which is OK.
Week two's starting stats:
Level: 4
Strength: 16
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 9
Agility: 10
Species: Kyrii
Color: Yellow
Gender: Male
Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14

Up 2 HP

Color Purple!

Back to Yellow!

Down 2 Levels

Up 2 movement

Now a Blue Acara

Up 2 defence
Second week not so bad with the stats, and a nice,
but temporary(!) color change early on. But then a change to an Acara.
Week three's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 16
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 11
Agility: 12
Species: Acara
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Day 15Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20Day 21

Down to Lev 1

Down 3 Movement

Down to Level 1

Up 2 levels

Down to Level 1

Now a Female

Down to Level 1
Now the Lab Ray is being plain EVIL! How many times will it drop Triskeli to level 1? Spent the whole week as a blue Acara.
Week four's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 16
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 11
Agility: 9
Species: Acara
Color: Blue
Gender: Female
Day 22Day 23Day 24Day 25Day 26Day 27Day 28

Change to Ghost

Down 3 Defence

Down to Level 1

Color Silver

Up 2 levels

Down 2 movement

Color Striped
Lots of colour changes this week. I kind of liked silver.
One up and a couple downs on the stats. Feh.
Week five's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 16
Defence: 7
Endurance (HP): 11
Agility: 7
Species: Acara
Color: Striped
Gender: Female
Day 29Day 30Day 31Day 32Day 33Day 34Day 35

No change

Plus 3 movement

Plus 3 movement

No change

Down to Level 1

No Visit

Gain 3 strength
No color changes, but much better on the stats. Yet *another* "Down to Level 1".
Week sixes starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 19
Defence: 7
Endurance (HP): 11
Agility: 13
Species: Acara
Color: Striped
Gender: Female
Day 36Day 37Day 38Day 39Day 40Day 41Day 42

Down 1 movement.

Up 2 strength

Down 2 movement.

Colour Spotted

Plus 2 movement

Plus 2 movement

Plus 3 defence
Not too bad of a week. Up and down with the movement, but strength and defence up. I like the spotted!
A random event gives Trisk 2 HP!
Week seven's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 21
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 13
Agility: 14
Species: Acara
Color: Spotted
Gender: Female
Day 43Day 44Day 45Day 46Day 47Day 48Day 49

Up 4 HP!

Gains 3 movement.

Up 2 strength.

Now a Yellow Uni

Down to level 1

Up 5 HP!

What a week in the lab! A species change (not too thrilled), some positive stats,
and end the week with a Darigan paint job (thrilled)!
Week eight's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 22
Agility: 17
Species: Uni
Color: Darigan
Gender: Female
Day 50Day 51Day 52Day 53Day 54Day 55Day 56

Blue Wocky

Back to Male again.

Colour purple.

Down to level 1

Down to level 1

Down to level 1

Down to level 1
Well, back to male again, a nice colour change, but then FOUR level ones in a row!
That just ain't right....
Week nine's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 22
Agility: 17
Species: Wocky
Color: Purple
Gender: Male
Day 57Day 58Day 59Day 60Day 61Day 62Day 63

Up 2 HP.

Lose 2 defence

Lose 2 defence

Down to Level 1

Gains 2 levels

Lose 3 strength

Gains 3 strength
Well, another mediocre week at the Lab. No paint jobs this time.
Week ten's starting stats:
Level: 3
Strength: 23
Defence: 6
Endurance (HP): 24
Agility: 17
Species: Wocky
Color: Purple
Gender: Male
Day 64Day 65Day 66Day 67Day 68Day 69Day 70

Now a Female

Lose 3 movement

Lose 3 movement

Gains 3 movement

Now a Male

No change

Now a Female
Wow, what a gender-bending week! Trisk is so confused.
Week eleven's starting stats:
Level: 3
Strength: 23
Defence: 6
Endurance (HP): 24
Agility: 17
Species: Wocky
Color: Purple
Gender: Female
Day 71Day 72Day 73Day 74Day 75Day 76Day 77

Down to Level 1

Gains 2 levels

Lose 3 movement

Gains 2 movement

Now a Male.

Down to Level 1

Gains 2 movement.
Ugh! Two more Down to Level 1 events. Net gain this week: up one movement, and a change back to Male.
Week twelve's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 6
Endurance (HP): 24
Agility: 18
Species: Wocky
Color: Purple
Gender: Male
Day 78Day 79Day 80Day 81Day 82Day 83Day 84

Colour change
to Ghost.

Colour change
to Rainbow.

Gain 3 defence.

Down to level 1.

Gain 2 defence.

Gain 3 movement.

Loses 2 strength.
A good week for painting, with a great rainbow paint job at the end. Another -blocked- down to level 1,
a strength loss, but some defence gains too!
Week thirteen's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 21
Defence: 11
Endurance (HP): 24
Agility: 21
Species: Wocky
Color: Rainbow
Gender: Male
Day 85Day 86Day 87Day 88Day 89Day 90Day 91

Gain 3 strength.

Gain 2 defence.

Down to level 1.

Gains 2 levels.

Gain 2 defence
Gain 1 level
(random event).

Now a Female

Loses 2 levels
Other than level, some good stat gains this week. Another gender change too.
Sixth week as a Wocky.
Week fourteen's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 24
Defence: 15
Endurance (HP): 24
Agility: 21
Species: Wocky
Color: Rainbow
Gender: Female
Day 92Day 93Day 94Day 95Day 96Day 97Day 98

Gain 2 HP

Now a Male

Loses 3 strength

Now a Female

Lose 2 defence

Gains 4 HP!

Gains 2 strength
A fair week, with more HP, and some more gender-bending. Still a nice rainbow!
Week fifteen's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 13
Endurance (HP): 30
Agility: 21
Species: Wocky
Color: Rainbow
Gender: Female
Day 99Day 100Day 101Day 102Day 103Day 104Day 105

Down to level 1

Gains 2 Strength

Back to Male

Change colour to Desert!

Loses 3 defence

Gains 3 strength.

Gains 2 strength.
Another not-too-bad week in the lab. I was sorry to lose the rainbow paint job, but happy with the strength gains!
Week sixteen's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 30
Defence: 11
Endurance (HP): 30
Agility: 21
Species: Wocky
Color: Desert
Gender: Male
Day 106Day 107Day 108Day 109Day 110Day 111Day 112

Gains 5 HP!

Loses 3 defence.

Down to level 1

Gains 2 levels

No change

Gains 2 levels

Gains 2 movement
Nice HP gain, some increase in levels. 9th week as a Wocky.
Week seventeen's starting stats:
Level: 5
Strength: 30
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 35
Agility: 23
Species: Wocky
Color: Desert
Gender: Male
Day 113Day 114Day 115Day 116Day 117Day 118Day 119

Loses 2 levels

Loses 2 Strength

No change

Loses 3 movement.

No change

Loses 2 levels

No change
Uhh...can we just do this week over again? Random Faerie Quest adds one level.
Week eighteen's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 28
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 35
Agility: 20
Species: Wocky
Color: Desert
Gender: Male
Day 120Day 121Day 122Day 123Day 124Day 125Day 126

Now a Female

Down to level 1

Colour Grey

Loses 2 strength

Down to level 1

Gains 5 HP!

No Change
A great HP gain, but otherwise another dismal week in the lab.
BUT a Grey paint job gets the avatar!
Week nineteen's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 26
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 40
Agility: 20
Species: Wocky
Color: Grey
Gender: Female
Day 127Day 128Day 129Day 130Day 131Day 132Day 133

Gains 2 HP

Down to level 1

Now a Male

Loses 3 movement

Gains 5 HP!

Gains 2 movement

A blue Jub Jub?!?!
Some more nice HP gains, and then a Blue Jub Jub ?!?!?
Week twenty's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 26
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 47
Agility: 19
Species: Jub Jub
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Day 134Day 135Day 136Day 137Day 138Day 139Day 140

Down to Level 1

Gains 3 strength

Gains 3 HP

Loses 2 strength

Gains 3 movement

Down to Level 1

Gains 2 movement
A few gains this week, and a couple useless level ones!
Week twenty-one's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 27
Defence: 8
Endurance (HP): 50
Agility: 24
Species: Jub Jub
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Day 141Day 142Day 143Day 144Day 145Day 146Day 147

Gains 5 HP

Gains 5 HP

Loses 3 strength

Gains 2 defence

Loses 3 movement

Gains 2 movement

Loses 3 defence
Good HP gain this week
Week twenty-two's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 24
Defence: 7
Endurance (HP): 60
Agility: 23
Species: Jub Jub
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Day 148Day 149Day 150Day 151Day 152Day 153Day 154

Change to Gelert

Gains 1 HP

Down to level 1

Colour to green

Gain 1 level

Gains 3 HP

Gains 3 agility
Nice! A Gelert. A colour change and a few more HP added.
Week twenty-three's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 24
Defence: 7
Endurance (HP): 64
Agility: 26
Species: Gelert
Color: Green
Gender: Male
Day 155Day 156Day 157Day 158Day 159Day 160Day 161

No change

Gains 2 agility

Now a Female

Now a Male

Gains 5 HP

Loses 2 defence

Gains 1 HP
A quick gender swap, a few more HP.
Week twenty-four's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 24
Defence: 5
Endurance (HP): 70
Agility: 28
Species: Gelert
Color: Green
Gender: Male
Day 162Day 163Day 164Day 165Day 166Day 167Day 168

Loses 3 strength

Gains 4 agility

Gains 4 defence

Gains 3 strength

Gains 3 agility

Gains 3 defence

Loses 2 defence
Several stat gains this week, but the defence is staying pretty low.
Week twenty-five's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 24
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 70
Agility: 35
Species: Gelert
Color: Green
Gender: Male
Day 169Day 170Day 171Day 172Day 173Day 174Day 175

Gains 3 agility

Loses 3 strength

Gains 1 agility

Down to Level 1

Now a Female

Gains 5 HP

Now a Red Quiggle
A gender change, some increase in movement, then a Quiggle??
Week twenty-six's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 21
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 75
Agility: 39
Species: Quiggle
Color: Red
Gender: Female
Day 176Day 177Day 178Day 179Day 180Day 181Day 182

Gains 2 agility

Gains 3 HP

Gains 3 defence

Loses 3 strength

Gains 1 level

Now Brown

Gains 1 strength
A few more HP, a bit of a strength loss, and then a brown paint job.
Week twenty-seven's starting stats:
Level: 2
Strength: 19
Defence: 13
Endurance (HP): 78
Agility: 41
Species: Quiggle
Color: Brown
Gender: Female
Day 183Day 184Day 185Day 186Day 187Day 188Day 189

Gains 5 HP

Down to level 1

Gains 3 strength

Gains 1 strength

Gains 2 HP

Now a Faerie

Down to Level 1
Some good HP gains, and then a Faerie paint job.
I now have a Yellow Zafara Morphing Potion on hand...
Week twenty-eight's starting stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 13
Endurance (HP): 85
Agility: 41
Species: Quiggle
Color: Faerie
Gender: Female
Day 190Day 191Day 192Day 193Day 194MorphPaint

Down to Level 1

Loses 3 defence

Gains 4 hp

Gains 5 hp

Back to Male

A Morphing potion...

..and a Paint Brush!
Some nice HP gains. A morphing potion turns Triskeli into a Zafara, and a paint brush paints him!
I'll hold off on an Island paint's too expensive, and I like spotted.
Now it's Resafandrab's turn at the Lab Ray.
Final Stats:
Level: 1
Strength: 23
Defence: 10
Endurance (HP): 94
Agility: 41
Species: Zafara
Color: Spotted
Gender: Male

Event Summary

Days in the lab: 194

No Change: 11
Gender Change: 15
Species Change: 6
Colour Change: 14
Down to Level 1: 28

Level: 11
HP: 18
Strength: 12
Defence: 13
Movement: 18
HP: 0
Strength: 9
Defence: 9
Movement: 10

Final Tally

Days in the lab: 194



I put Triskeli into the lab to see what would happen. I wanted to have Trisk be an Island Zafara, and I was hoping that the lab would deliver! Well, I got several species changes, but finally had to use a morphing potion. I settled on a spotted paint brush as Island is too expensive, and I like spotted on a Zafara. Looking at the stat increases for a half a year in the lab, it looks pretty dismal, except for the Endurance (HP) gains. Lots of Agility gain too, except that that is meaningless in the battledome at this time. The net gain for Strength and Defence were much lower than I had expected. Perhaps I would have seen more gains if Trisk had been a high enough (level 20+?) level pet to not get 28 "down to level 1" events...that could have been 28 more strength gains! It's Resafandrab's turn in the lab now!

Click here
for a Zafara
of your own!

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Last Updated January 15, 2005